Friday, April 25, 2014

Slightly Intimidated...

A bit of nervousness set in Wednesday holding the box of needles and medicine that Fed Ex brought to me.  The clinic tried to put me through a mock cycle last month and I ovulated through the meds, so this month I will be on stronger meds which means I will have to give myself a shot every day for a week or so.  I knew this was coming and I would have to do this close to the time of transfer, which just now means I will have to go through the shots twice to make sure it works.  Honestly this is not the most exciting thing I have looked forward to in this journey.  I have done my research and I know some women have issues with the Lupron shots and others do not.  I will hang onto my positive thoughts and keep in mind most medicines I take for any reason do not give me any side effects.  I know I can do this and it will probably be no big deal, but still the thought of giving myself shots on a daily basis is just a tad intimidating.

The internet is really an awesome tool these days, in anticipation of my upcoming injections, I googled surrogates and Lupron injections, and low and behold there were a number of actual instructional videos on You Tube.  Watching a number of other women do this with no real issues, did give me a little sense of relief.  I live on a farm and have had animals all my life and have actually given many shots and vaccines to animals, but just never to myself.  I’m sure I got this, no biggy (I keep saying to myself) feel the need for winking smiley face here. ;-) 

Well for now we are at the wait and see game (which is one game I do not play well). Have another week or so of meds and ultrasound to check lining of uterus and blood work to be done.  As long as that all goes the way they want, then I think we will be within 4-6 weeks of embryo transfer. 
I guess I will post in a week or so to update on how the injections are going and the ultrasound and blood work.  Keeping fingers crossed it all goes smoothly and as planned.

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