Well, never thought I would be writing about this. At the clinic when I was first being told about the shots, the nurse told me I could do the lupron shots in my thigh or my tummy. I instantly said I would do them in the thigh, thinking there is no way I would give myself a shot in my tummy. I was convinced that the tummy would be way more sensitive than the big thigh muscle. So for two weeks now I have been giving myself a shot in the thigh. It is not too bad, some nights I seem to hit a more sensitive spot then others, but over all its doable.
Well the other day I found a few surrogate support groups on facebook. So I joined two. There was a conversation about lupron shots and I found most ever single one of them were doing there shots in their tummies and having no complaints. Most all I talked with said no feeling or pain at all. So I decided I would try one tonight in the tummy...
Yes I will agree almost no feeling at all, just a tiny little prick feeling sticking the needle in, but over all... I think much better than the thigh. So tomorrow night the shot will be in the tummy again, and we will see if the feeling is still the same.
For anyone who thought like I did that the tummy would be much more sensitive than the thigh, I think I was wrong. I am glad I joined the facebook pages, as it is really nice to talk with others who have already done this surrogate journey and those who are in the process just like me.
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