Monday, August 4, 2014

Transfer is Complete!! Yippee!!

So last week we headed to the soon to be daddy's house to spend some time together and get ready for embryo transfer.  Some of these meds have not been making me feel too great, we took our time getting to their house.  Finally arrived Tuesday afternoon.  As usual we had a wonderful time just being together, me, my husband, our young boys, and both "daddy's".  Everything we did, I was the only female in the group.  It was a blast!

From my last post to the time we arrived there, they had 13 eggs that were retrieved, only 12 were mature.  The clinic separated them into two groups, 6 for each daddy.  They were fertilized and watch for a couple days, by day 4, each dad had 4 growing embryos left.  Sadly not all were making it.  Day 5 which was transfer day, each dad had one really good embryo.  So both of those embryos were what was transferred to me.  The clinic said they would watch the other 6 embryos for another day and decide which ones were good to freeze and save just in case first transfer does not take.

~Transfer day~ Our appointment was in the early afternoon, so we all enjoyed a nice relaxing morning together, although I think each of us adults were all getting a little anxious! :-)
So here is me with my lucky socks on, on the way to transfer!! :-)

 After arriving at the clinic, they took me back right away to get ready.  We got to see really magnified pictures of the embryos, its amazing to look at these pictures and imagine that a little human being will be created from this little blob. You will see one is very round and the other is what they call hatching, the embryo is actually already coming out.  The one that was not hatching yet, they could see it was starting to, so it was not far behind.  This is so interesting and exciting!

The transfer itself was very easy, no pain and really no big deal. The dads were in the room with me and were able to watch it all on a monitor and see their little embies transferred to my uterus.  Here is a pic of the monitor screen after the transfer was complete, the little tiny white dot is the two embryos that were transferred to me.  Which is about dead center in the middle of my uterus.  Now we wait and hope the little embies attach themselves and continue to grow and develop!!   In the meantime I have to continue meds, estrogen pills, and progesterone shots daily in my rump! :-(  They are not as bad as I was afraid they would be, but they still do not feel good by any means!

Here is me, my wonderfully awesome husband and my two little gorgeous boys right after transfer.

We went back to the dad's home for a relaxing evening and wonderful company.  All three men put together an awesome dinner, even the boys helped get it all together, while I laid in bed and rested for a few hours.  The guys even let my hubby take the grill over, one of his favorite things to do! :-)

We brought some fresh squash out of our garden to share, and cooked on the grill with the steaks, pork chops, hamburgers and hotdogs the guys got.  It was a feast for all of us!  Dinner was fantastic and we all had a wonderful evening!  Spent another day resting, before making our long drive home.

The day after transfer the clinic notified the guys that none of the other embryos made it to the point of freezing.  So the only two good embryos out of 12 eggs, are in me!   All fingers and toes are crossed, with nothing but positive thoughts this will work out our first try.

We are now playing the waiting game until Monday August 11th.  I will have my blood drawn and they will check my hormone levels.  We should know the results by Tuesday the 12th at the latest.  Of course we are all on pins and needles until then.
So until next week.... stick embies stick !!

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