Thursday, March 5, 2015

Almost 34 weeks!! And an overdue post!

Well I have to admit I have been very lax about doing anything in front of the computer these past few weeks.  I either like to stay moving, or laying down.  Sitting for any length of time and my feet and ankles are starting that swelling stuff.  boo hoo!  I was really hoping I was going to by pass that, but guess not.  Also those horrible pregnancy hemorrhoids have set in, my doctor has gave me some really awesome medicine that helps, but nothing completely cures them.  My other favorite place these past few weeks has been our local indoor pool!  I love to spend a few hours a day there not fighting gravity!  My belly loves it, my legs, feet and ankles love it, and bottom area likes it too... no pressure from the babies so it helps the hemorrhoids also!
At almost 34 weeks with twins I have to say I am doing pretty good, although really feeling the pressure and weight of these little girls lately.  I made it through the glucose tests, and my blood pressure has not changed at all.  So those two big things they tend to worry about, especially with an older woman are still no worries for us!  Yippee!

The dads were here with us for the 30 week growth ultrasound and check up.  The growth u/s was great, getting harder to see the girls, as they are running out of room in there.  There growth was right on track and they were estimated to be within an ounce different in size!  Everything about them was wonderful, except that they both had decided they wanted to sit or stand in an upright position and face each other, which was really cute, but that puts them both in a breech position.  Not where I want them!  This coming Monday we have another growth u/s and I can not wait to see their positions.  The past week there has been some serious movement going on, feeling like huge rolls and really trying to stretch out.  I am hoping with everything in me that at least Baby A has decided to put her head down and get in the right position.

While the dad's were here, a few of my wonderful friends and my awesome husband and I threw the guys a surprise baby shower!  It was a great time!
We made cute little peas in a pod cakes and cupcakes! With each passing day and week, we all are getting more and more excited!  I can't wait to hand these little girls to their daddies.  I know it will be a moment that will forever change my life!

I will really try to get on the computer and give a little update after Monday's dr. appt.

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