Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A few things I have learned throughout this journey...

I wanted to add some advice for women thinking about becoming a surrogate.  Throughout this process I have learned a few things I feel are very important.  First do not be in a hurry!  If this is something you want to do, take your time, do your research and make sure you are happy with every decision you make!  Do not settle or agree to something you are not comfortable with!

I think the most important thing I can not stress enough... Do not agree to transfer more embryos then you are willing to carry and no more embryos than the parents are willing to parent!

The last thing you would want to go through, is a reduction based solely on too many embryos stuck!  A medical reduction is a different story and each surrogate and IP's have to be on the same page about that... but to reduce just because there are too many healthy babies growing would just be an awful expereince!

Make sure if throughout the matching process something is important to you, that you have it put in your contract!

If you have any reservations about the possible match you are trying to make... talk about them with the IP's if you can not agree and are not on the same page together... do NOT match!  The right couple will come along, just do not be in a hurry and do not compromise the things that are important to you!

If you are using an agency, do not let them intimidate you into making a decision fast!  Once you are carrying a baby or babies for someone else, you are connected to them at least through the whole pregnancy and if you are all not on the same page, it could be a uncomfortable and stressful pregnancy ... which no one wants!

I am sure I will come up with more info to share, but I wanted to get this out there now!

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