Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy 24 weeks!! What a magical number! (and specialized dr. appt's)

**(disclaimer... Long post, had much to talk about)** :-)

Well I never knew with my own pregnancies how magical week 24 is.  I never worried about going into labor early with my own pregnancies, I was always known for being over due.  Since carrying these two girls, and so much I have researched about twin pregnancies, I was surprised to learn that many twin pregnancies delivery early.  Some very early!  Something I have also learned is that 24 is the magic number with nicu's in hospitals.  Before 24 weeks, most nicu's will not intervene to save babies lives if born early, even if they are born alive.  That is a scary thought and something I would dread going through.  Once babies make it to the 24 week in gestation, their survival rate dramatically increases, so NICU's will do everything they can to sustain babies born after 24 weeks.

Needless to say since carrying these twins and learning all I have about twin pregnancies and even watching a few of my fellow surro sisters lose twins in the 20-21 week range, I really woke with a sigh of relief this morning knowing I have reached the magic number of 24 weeks.  We are in the home stretch now!  

Watching some of my surro sisters give birth in the past month and seeing the  pictures of the new families created with their new little miracles, I so can not wait to give that gift to my wonderful IF's!!!  These two little girls are going to have so much love and such a wonderful family, I get tears just thinking of it!  I also feel so fortunate to have such an awesome relationship with the soon to be daddies, I am very thankful that my family and I will be able to be a part of these little girls lives.  I really look forward to watching them grow up!

So we have had two dr. appt's over the past month or so.  First one was a normal check up with the birthing center.  My blood pressure is great babies are growing well!  I was 21 weeks pregnant and measuring at 34 weeks.  These little girls are very active!  I think they will be gymnast or something, I feel like they are trying to bounce off my ribs all the time!  Just by feeling my tummy one of my midwives was pretty sure Baby A is head down and Baby B was maybe slightly transverse.  Which is no big deal to me, we just need Baby A head down to start out with a normal vaginal delivery when the time comes.  I am good with twisting and turning to get Baby B in the right position if need be after Baby A is born.  Baby B will have more room to move around and get in the right position after Baby A is born also.

Our second appt was at 23 week with a MFM Doctor.  (Maternal Fetal Medicine)  Often with a twin pregnancy most doc's will refer you over to a MFM just for extra checking out.  Their equipment is normally a little more high tech and the MFM Doctor specializes in multiplies and possible problems during a "high risk" pregnancy.  I use that term loosely, "high risk" because it actually bothers me.  I am automatically considered "high risk" for the sole reason that I am carrying two.  Nothing else is used to determine that classification.  I personally feel that a "high risk" pregnancy should be based on more than just the fact of carrying two verse one.  So far I have no sugar issues, I am not gaining extreme weight, my blood pressure is completely normal, all my other blood work is in normal range.  To me those are things that should determine whether you are high rick or not.. but alas it's not up to me.

So over all besides seeing the little girls again with maybe a little better resolution or clarity, the MFM visit was just another reassurance that these two are on track doing exactly what they are suppose to do!  Both girls measured within one day of each other, they both were at one pound in weight.  By the end of the ultrasound both girls were in a head down position.  Keeping fingers crossed they stay that way! ;-)

One of the biggest reason I started this blog was so that others could learn from my experience.  I have a little more to say about the MFM appt.  This is based on my experiences and my personal beliefs.  There is most certainly a time and a place when specialist are needed!  I do not feel one was needed at this point in time for our pregnancy.  The dads felt that they wanted to have that dr appt, because of much of what they had read about twin pregnancies being seen by MFM's starting in second trimester.  So I happily obliged, and it was a great day for us all to be together again.  The ultrasound tech did the first part of the exam, looking over every little detail of these little girls and measuring everything little thing about them.  The dr came in for the last part to go over what the ultrasound tech already did, and also to look at my cervix.  Going over every little detail, they found Baby A to have a tiny little white spot on her heart.  The dr. then told us all that it plays no effect on the baby's heart and how it works and that many babies do have this and are born completely fine with no issues and have no issues with their heart through out their lives.  This little white spot plays no effect on the structure or function of the heart at all.  The dr. then explains that the only reason to bring it up is that it "can" be a marker for downs syndrome.  When this is found and no other "downs markers" are found, it is an extremely low chance for downs, and of course the only absolute way to know is to have an amniocentesis test done.  Now I have already gone through all the other possible tests, (measurements, blood work, both done at different times) and no other possible markers for downs have been found.  Everything to date has been perfectly in the norms for pregnancy.  So I personally have had no worries about the pregnancy and development of the babies.  I am also an "experienced mom"  I have been through 4 pregnancies, I have been through all the concerns and doctors and their tests, and I remember my first time, being absolutely worried about every little thing the doctors talked about.  I can only imagine how much more difficult it is to be a first time parent and actually not be experiencing the pregnancy.  
Thankfully these soon to be parents I am carrying these awesome little girls for, are very logical and intelligent.  I know they were concerned and probably even freaked out a little after leaving the MFM appt.  There were talks of an amnio, termination of pregnancy or one of the babies, all of which I knew the dr was doing as it is part of "the job" to cover all basis, but I know it was freaking the dads out!

We all left and both my husband and I tried to reassure them, but not sure we were very successful.  The dads went back to their hotel room and started their research.  By the time they were done, they were armed with enough knowledge to know they have no worries and everything is good with these little girls.  They both feel there is no need to see the MFM again, unless our normal care providers feel there is a reason.

So overall to me it was just another great visit with the daddies, we all got to see these beautiful little girls again, and even how much they are changing.  Everyone was able to see how much they are moving.  I keep telling everyone they exercise every day all day and all night, they are going to be strong little girls!  Well during that long ultrasound everyone was able to see just how much they move!!  By the time ultrasound was done Baby B had even changed her position to head down also, just a little higher up than Baby A.  Although with as much as they move around, next time they could totally be in different positions.

I have more to share, but think I will write a separate post a little later, as I think this was long enough.  :-)
Say hi to both baby girls!


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