Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Carvings and Dreams!!!

Pregnancy has always given me weird dreams!  I am the person who normally does not ever remember having a dream, but while I am pregnant, I seem to have lots of them and remember the weirdest ones.  So I have had a couple already that might even be to weird to share, but the one the other night was kind of funny but still weird.  I was dreaming about delivery.  Everyone was there, and things were going well, Baby B was pushing past Baby A so that he could come out first.  Baby B came out as a big beautiful baby looking very much like his daddy.  Baby A was taking her time, but she finally made an appearance, she was much smaller than her brother and she came out with a bow already in her hair and she was talking to us and telling us all about her experience from the beginning of being created.  LOL  wow... weird stuff!
We have no idea of the gender of the babies, but after that dream I really am thinking one is a boy and one is a girl.  It will be interesting to see how it all turns out. :-)

Now Cravings....
With feeling sick most of the time I really am not having any cravings or even want to eat at all.  I have actually lost 15 pounds so far since transfer day.  (which I am not complaining about as I was too heavy to begin with)  But every so often I really get the urge to eat something in particular.  Mostly has been fruit and salads, which is wonderful as I try to eat really healthy anyway.  One thing I have learned from past pregnancies though... is when you are craving something you will not be happy till you get it!  LOL

My fruit wishes have mostly been strawberries and raspberries!  I have this little awesome frozen yogurt place in town that is a fix it yourself type place.  It's great and they have the best fresh fruit!!  I get a just a little of the frozen yogurt, generally a mix of their dark rich chocolate and alpine creamy vanilla and then I smoother it in fruit!!  Maybe a couple of little carmel chocolates too... wow is it good!!!
I think I might be able to eat this every day!!  I also really wanted some peanuts one day and still had the craving for fruit, so off we went to the store at 10 p.m. to make my belly happy... strawberries, raspberries and nuts!  (had to add the antacids in there also, never know when you need those with pregnancy!
 I happily sat and ate those raspberries for two days... all gone very yummy!!  Strawberries were chopped up and put on cheerio's in the morning and later used for a wonderful fruit smoothie!

Now we have this mom and pop bakery shop in town, that is absolutely fantastic!!  It is all very rich and awesome, but I have only eaten there a few times over the past couple of years.  It has probably been over a year since I have been there.  This morning I woke up and wanted their "Death By Chocolate" cupcake!!  This thing is the richest best chocolate cupcake I have ever had!!  I fully admit to being a chocoholic and I have a hard time finishing one of these!  So with mommy having these neat cravings, my boys are really happy as they get to indulge in my splurges also.  So off to the bakery for breakfast today! LOL
Now I wanted that death by chocolate so bad, and I gladly ate it this morning, and could not finish it, but they had so many others that looked so good, I had to get lunch and dinner to take home also!  ;-)

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