Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Over Due Post!!

So we will start with the fact that I am still dealing with "morning sickness", not really sure why its called that, if it only lasted through the morning it might not be so bad!  But it does not... it last all day long!!!  It's not just sickness either, its little headaches, light dizziness, constant nauseous feeling, just an overall yucky feeling and the gagging is driving me crazy!!  I really fight actually throwing up!  It is one of the worst things in the world to me.  Sometimes I wonder, should I just let it happen and maybe I will feel better... but oh I hate to throw up, so I hold it back as best I can every day, all day!!  So instead I just walk around trying to hide the fact that I gag at almost every smell and quick movement.  With all that being said, I have not had any worries for this pregnancy in the past couple of weeks, since I feel sick everyday, I know the babies are growing!!  

I really did not start this post to complain about feeling sick every day, I still am very excited to be doing this and very grateful it is all working out for us on our first try!  But with as crappy as I have felt, I have not accomplished much of anything in the past 3-4 weeks.  Which means my house is a total mess, and I have not spent any time on the computer at all which also means no blog posts.  My favorite thing to do is lay in bed, the world is not spinning then and I seem to be able to at least think straight then. My boys have been great, trying to help mommy feel better and have been doing wonderful keeping themselves occupied alot.  Although they have had a lot more free time on the Wii, but they are happy.

So to try and catch up on blogging... We had another ultrasound at 8 1/2 weeks. (On September 10th)  My husband, our boys and a friend of ours came along for this one.  We skyped with one daddy, heartbeats were really fast and strong, could even see one baby move a little.  It was a great appointment and all is going well so far.

That was the last appointment the fertility clinic wanted or needed.  Just a couple more weeks of checking my hormone levels so that hopefully when we got to 10 weeks I could stop all the meds.

Last friday the 19th was 9 weeks and 6 days so it was the last day for meds!! Yea no more shots!!! my rump is very thankful!!
Monday had to have blood work done to make sure my body has kicked in and is doing what it needs to, to support the pregnancy without the meds... and test results came back good!  I am officially released from the fertility clinic and a full fledged patient of the Birthing Center now!

Monday I also had my first appointment at the birthing center as a "real patient".  It was just a normal ob appointment, with questions and bloodwork and all that.  Nicole one of my midwives tried to hear heart beats with doppler on my belly and we could not quite get it.  So we hopped over to the ultrasound room for a minute and she found both of them real quick that way.
Both babies were laying in opposite positions of each other, it was cute.  Baby B had a good strong heart beat at 158 and Baby A had a good strong heart beat at 167.
All is moving along well for now minus the sickness stuff... here's to hoping in another week or two the sickness will leave us!! :-)

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