Saturday, August 23, 2014

First Ultrasound... Did one or both embryos stay put?

Well since my last post, I have had a second beta (HCG test) which confirmed that I am pregnant and HCG is rising!  Then I had my first ultrasound, which we all new we would not be able to see very much, but was hoping to see a gestational sac or two.
For my first ultrasound I thought it was only fitting to wear my lucky transfer socks once more...
I was able to Skype with one of the dad's throughout the ultrasound.  The tech found one sac right away, took measurements and all looked pretty good, but did not see another sac.  So we were thinking that maybe only one embryo made it.  After looking around for a few other things they want to see, we found another sac.  :-)  As of now it looks like both embryos have made a home and are starting to grow.
My HCG was tested again, only to confirm that my numbers were growing the way they are suppose to which was great to hear!  First HCG at 8 days past transfer was 88, second which was 11 days past transfer was 229 and the third which was at 20 days past transfer was 7159.
Here is the first ultrasound picture
So congrats to my IF's, so hopeful they are getting the twins they wanted!  We will have more ultrasounds almost weekly for a few weeks, to make sure things stay on track and are developing the way they should.  Can't wait to share some ultrasound pics that you will be able to tell what it is you are looking at!

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