Saturday, June 21, 2014

Real Intimidation Now...

Ha ha!! Well I only thought I was slightly intimidated by my first set of shots... Now here we are for the real cycle and here are all the meds and shots I will have to take!  wow!!

One thing I have learned while talking to many surrogates, is that every fertility clinic has their own medical protocol for surrogates.  While it seems they all vary to some degree, they also seem to have much in common.  So if you are considering becoming a surrogate, this picture will look something close to what you will have also.  Really I have decided the lupron shots are no big deal at all.  Especially after learning that the belly was an easier place than the thigh.  They have a super tiny needle to use and you barely feel them.  I do not think I have had any side effects from taking the lupron.  I think the most "scary" thing is the progesterone oil shots.  They use large needles, needs to be done in buttocks area.  Thankfully I have an awesome husband who says he can handle it and will be doing those for me.  I have read many different things to do to help through those shots.  Some really complain about the lumps, or redness, or pain that they seem to leave most ladies with.  It is a very thick oil, and only seems to make sense to hold on to the bottle and warm it slightly.  If oil is warm it seems to be a little thinner.  Most all agree that icing the butt before the shot helps, and then using a heating pad and message after helps spread the oil out better.  So that will be my plan of attack on these shots.

I think everything else will be no big deal, other than I really do not care to take medicines, I just keep reminding myself it is for a short period of time and the outcome will all be worth it, being a big part of helping create another family!

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